Early Closure of Art Studios Unfair in Laguna Woods

Laguna Woods, CA, is home to a thriving artistic community, with numerous residents enjoying the benefits of well-equipped art studios that cater to various creative pursuits. However, a growing concern among residents who work night shifts is the early closure of these art studios. The current operating hours are limiting access for night workers, who feel they are being unfairly deprived of the opportunity to engage in their artistic hobbies. And, for those seniors whom have nothing else to do during the evening and are not into dancing and band music.

The Heart of the Issue

Art is not just a hobby for many residents; it is a vital part of their mental well-being and a means of self-expression. The art studios in Laguna Woods provide an essential space for creativity, relaxation, and community building. Unfortunately, the studios currently close at 4 PM, which means cleanup starts at around 3:15 pm. Except for 1 or 2 nights a week when when some studios may be open to 7:00. This makes it nearly impossible for night workers to utilize these facilities. The early closure prevents people from accessing the studios when it suits their schedules.

  • Engaging in artistic activities can significantly reduce stress and improve mental health. Night workers who rely on art for relaxation and mental clarity are missing out on these benefits due to restricted access.
  • Continuous practice is crucial for artistic growth. Limited studio hours hinder night workers from developing their skills and advancing their artistic endeavors.
  1. Social and Community Engagement
    • Night workers often face social isolation due to their unconventional schedules. Access to art studios in the evening could provide them with a much-needed opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and feel a sense of community.
    • Many workshops and classes are scheduled during daytime hours, excluding night workers from participating in group learning and collaborative projects.

Possible Solutions

To address the concerns of night workers and ensure equitable access to art studios, the community could consider the following solutions:

  1. Extended Operating Hours
    • Evening Hours: Extend the operating hours of art studios to at least 8 PM or later each day. This would allow night workers to access the facilities after their shifts.
    • Flexible Scheduling: Implement a flexible scheduling system where studios remain open later on specific days of the week, catering to the varied schedules of all residents.
  2. Night-specific Workshops and Classes
    • Evening Workshops: Schedule art workshops and classes during evening hours to accommodate night workers. This would ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate in educational and social activities.
    • Rotating Schedules: Introduce a rotating schedule for classes and workshops to provide multiple time options, making it easier for residents with different schedules to attend.
  3. Community Input and Collaboration
    • Surveys and Feedback: Conduct surveys to gather input from night workers and other residents regarding their preferred studio hours. Use this feedback to adjust schedules and policies accordingly.
    • Volunteer Monitors: Recruit volunteers to help monitor and manage the studios during extended hours. This could reduce staffing costs while providing increased access.


The early closure of art studios in Laguna Woods presents a significant barrier for night workers who wish to engage in creative activities. Addressing this issue is not only a matter of fairness but also crucial for the well-being and happiness of all residents. By extending operating hours, offering night-specific workshops, and actively seeking community input, Laguna Woods can ensure that its artistic resources are accessible to everyone, regardless of their work schedules. It is time to embrace inclusivity and support the creative passions of all community members, fostering a vibrant and equitable environment for artistic expression.

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I think they should keep the art studios open until at least 7:00 pm


I completely agree with the need to extend the operating hours of the art studios. Art is an essential outlet for so many people, especially those working night shifts. Extending hours would make a massive difference and foster a more inclusive and supportive community!


Oh dear, another complaint about something! Next, they’ll want the grocery store open 24/7 just in case they need a midnight snack. Sometimes, you just can’t please everyone. Maybe the night workers can take up knitting instead?


This article brings up valid points about the need for equitable access to artistic resources. Extended hours and rotating schedules are practical solutions. Conducting surveys and involving the community in decision-making will ensure that the needs of night workers are appropriately addressed.

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