Trivia Challenge: Identify the Capitals of 10 Major World Cities.

Geography is a fascinating subject, connecting us to different cultures, histories, and the vast expanse of the globe. One of the most intriguing aspects of geography is the study of capital cities. These cities are often political, cultural, and economic hubs that define a nation’s identity. How well do you know the capitals of the world? Test your knowledge with our Trivia Challenge. Below, you’ll find a series of questions designed to quiz you on the capitals of 10 major cities. Answers are provided at the end of the page, so give it your best shot before peeking!

Test Your Knowledge of Capital Cities in a Fun Trivia Challenge

Capital cities serve as the heart of their respective countries, often housing key government institutions, major landmarks, and a vibrant mix of cultural elements. Knowing these capitals not only enhances your geographical knowledge but also gives you a deeper understanding of world affairs. Whether you’re a geography buff or just looking for a fun way to spend your time, this trivia challenge is an exciting way to test what you know.

This trivia challenge isn’t just about rote memorization; it’s also about connecting the dots between a country and its most pivotal city. Think of each question as an opportunity to mentally travel the world, envisioning the unique landscapes, architectures, and cultures that make each capital special. Not only will this exercise sharpen your mind, but it might also inspire you to learn more about these intriguing cities.

So, why not take a few minutes to dive into our trivia challenge? You might find some questions easy, and others may be a bit more challenging, but it’s all in good fun. Remember, the key to mastering geography is curiosity and a willingness to learn. Write down your answers, and check them against the answers at the end of the page. Good luck!

Can You Name the Capitals of These 10 Major Cities?

  1. France: This European country is famous for its art, fashion, and iconic landmarks. What is its capital city?
  2. Japan: Known for its technological advancements and rich culture, what city serves as the capital of this Asian nation?
  3. Brazil: This South American country is home to the Amazon rainforest. What is its capital city?
  4. Australia: Famous for the Sydney Opera House and the Great Barrier Reef, can you name the capital of this country?
  5. Canada: This North American nation is known for its vast landscapes and multicultural cities. What is its capital?
  6. India: With a history that spans thousands of years, this country is a major player on the global stage. What is its capital?
  7. South Africa: Unique for having three capital cities, can you name its administrative capital?
  8. Russia: The largest country in the world by land area, what is its capital city?
  9. Egypt: Known for its ancient civilization and the pyramids, what is the capital of this country?
  10. Italy: This country is renowned for its cuisine, art, and history. What is its capital?

Are you confident in your answers? These questions cover a range of continents and cultures, providing a comprehensive test of your geographical knowledge. Capitals often serve as a window into the broader identity of a country, making this quiz not just a test of memory but a journey through global diversity.

Thank you for taking part in our Trivia Challenge! How did you fare in naming the capitals of these 10 major cities? Whether you aced it or found a few tricky spots, we hope you enjoyed this mental adventure around the globe. Answers are provided below, giving you a chance to see how well you know your world capitals and perhaps learn something new.



Remember, geography is a subject that constantly evolves with our growing understanding of the world. Stay curious, keep learning, and who knows—maybe next time, you’ll be able to ace even the toughest quizzes. Here are the answers:

  1. France – Paris
  2. Japan – Tokyo
  3. Brazil – Brasília
  4. Australia – Canberra
  5. Canada – Ottawa
  6. India – New Delhi
  7. South Africa – Pretoria (administrative)
  8. Russia – Moscow
  9. Egypt – Cairo
  10. Italy – Rome

We hope this trivia challenge has sparked your interest in the fascinating world of geography. Until next time, happy learning!

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